Our high quality prefabricated poultry houses guarantee the optimal environment for floor-raised poultry in any external environmental condition.
Have a look at this VIDEO.
We provide our clients with different solutions, according to their needs. Our prefabricated sheds can be assembled easily and rapidly, they are coated with an anti-corrosive and anti-rust protection that guarantees a lifetime durability:
* IPE or ILS columns and Beams: HOT DIP GALVANIZATION, average zinc coating of 500 g/m².
* Purlins: hot dip galvanization or Sendzimir galvanization.
* Windbracings and accessories: Sendzimir galvanization with zinc coating on the two faces of 275 g/m².
* Bolts and nuts: electro-zinc galvanization.
Our poultry houses are perfectly insulated against cold and hot temperatures and are suitable for any type of climatic condition. We supply high quality sandwich panels with an inside layer of mineral wool or polyurethane.
SPEROTTO poultry houses are manufactured with great attention to every detail and also offer a perfectly sealed environment.
A sealed environment guarantees an eco-friendly poultry house, and thus a sensible decrease in heating and electricity costs.
Our standard steel structures for poultry, PF SS - PF CS - PFT - TSM and AVIEXPORT, are manufactured in different sizes:
* width from 10 m up to 32 m;
* snow load from 60 kg/m² up to 400 kg/m²;
* eave height up to m 10.
Sperotto poultry houses are always customized to meet our clients' requirements.